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All Star Cheer Squad Info Meeting for 2015/2016 Season

Informational Meeting

7:15 pm on Thursday, April 16, 2015 in the lobby of Gem City Gymnastics & Tumbling

An informational meeting will be held at 7:15 pm on Thursday, April 16, 2015 in the lobby of Gem City Gymnastics & Tumbling. We will explain competitive all star cheer, the USASF, and the tryout process. We will also introduce the coaches, learn about practices, and discuss time commitment and costs. This is all for your information. Attending this meeting in no way requires you to tryout.

Hope to see you at tryouts!

 Check out our success from this season!

Teamwork brings cheer team to nationals

KHQA features Gem City All Star Cheer Squad

It’d be an understatement to say we’re proud of our All Star Cheer Squad. In just three seasons, the squad has gone from an idea Hope Cernea had to a contender on a national stage. Check out the KHQA feature on the success of our All Star girls on their road to nationals.

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March Pizza Fun Night

We’re so excited for our Easter Pizza Fun Night! We’ll have an Easter egg hunt, pizza, soda, candy, new games, and fun.

Saturday, March 28 from 6:30-9:30 | Members $12, Non-members $15 | Ages 4-14 (unless parent supervised)


foam finger

Gymnastics Team Carries Momentum into the New Year

IMG_0010Gem City’s gymnastics team saw so much success in 2014 and they’re carrying it right into 2015. They’ve had two meets so far with two strong showings.

The first meet was the King Arthur Invitational in Bourbonnais, Illinois, on January 23-25.  The level 3 girls brought home a second place team award. Great job, ladies!

The following weekend in Collinsville, Illinois, Gem City had its second gymnastics meet of the 2015. This meet was the Gateway Challenge. The level 4 girls earned a second place team award.

The hard work and dedication to perfecting the details is paying off!

February 2015 Newsletter

Smell that? Love is in the air! Here’s our February newsletter, and don’t forget about our Pizza Fun Night. Celebrate Valentine’s Day a little early on Friday, February 13, when you get a little kid-free time by dropping the kids off at our Pizza Fun Night.

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