Gem City’s Level 8 gymnasts are wrapping up the season strong. Two of the three will advance to Regionals, and another battled an injury and a big move across the country to qualify for State. Congratulations to Level 8 athletes! 🎉 We are so proud of your accomplishments, and love the energy the three bring each and every time they are in the gym.
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All Star Cheer Squad tryouts for the 2018-2019 season will take place on Tuesday, May 15 at Gem City Gymnastics & Tumbling. The tryouts is available for anyone 10 years of age or older.
Three of Gem City’s Level 8 gymnasts will head to the USAG State Championship in Sycamore, Illinois, on March 23-25.
Our Level 4 and Level 5 girls represented their team well at State this past weekend! 🎉 We are so proud of all their hard work and dedication. 🤸♂️ Congratulations on a great season, ladies!
March outlook: clinics, cheer info meeting, a Pizza Fun Night, two great spring pro shop deals, and so much more!
Level 4 and Level 5 gymnastics teams had a great meet season with 10 athletes in Level 4 and four athletes in Level 5 advancing for State Competitions. Both State meets will take place from March 9-11 in Bloomington, Illinois, at the Redbird Arena at Illinois State University.
Gem City’s All Star Cheer Squad earned a bid to nationals. This bid was extended following a strong performance at their first competition of the season in Des Moines, Iowa.
Gem City will begin recruiting for its next All Star Cheer Squad for the 2018-2019 season with an informational meeting on Thursday, April 12 from 7:30 p.m. in our lobby.
The gym is closed Thursday, February 22. Our policy states that when Quincy Public Schools close due to bad weather we also close.
Stay safe out there! Regular session classes will resume Friday – assuming Quincy Public Schools are in session.
Gem City’s next Pizza Fun Night will be on Friday, March 16 from 6:30-9:30 pm. Register now to make sure your child has a spot at this Pizza Fun Night celebrating St. Patrick’s Day edition.
Gem City is offering a series of skills clinics this spring. Each clinic is a one-hour opportunity focusing on a particular technique or skill. This is a focused opportunity to attain or master skills.
It’s that time again for your favorite read of month- the Gem City newsletter!
Logan Rice, fourth grader at St. Dominic School, is the winner of our Good Grades Quarterly Drawing for the second quarter of the 2017-2018 school year!
Gem City’s next Pizza Fun Night will be on Friday, February 9 from 6:30-9:30 pm! Register now to make sure your child has a spot at this Valentine’s Day edition of Pizza Fun Night.