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Gem City Athletes Win Big in 2018 Seasons

Highlights from Gem City’s Nationally Ranked Gymnastics, Tumbling, and All Star Cheer Programs

The gymnastics, tumbling, and all star cheer programs at Gem City produced many wins during their respective competitive seasons. We are beyond proud of each athlete’s hard work and dedication. These victories represent years of work by the athletes and by our coaches as they’ve developed Gem City’s team and recreational class programs.

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chalk drawing of a clock

New Office Hours for the School Year

The start of a new school year brings to office hours for Gem City. Open hours for each day of the week are noted below. These new hours will go into effect beginning with the start of classes for the Fall Session on August 20.

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Gem City Offers Cartwheels and So Much More

Just before flinging their body into the air, has your child ever said, “Hey, look what I can do!” Your body breaks out into a sweat because you’re terrified they’re about to hurt themselves. We’ve heard countless versions of this story at Gem City Gymnastics & Tumbling.

We are here to help with our encouraging atmosphere, expert coaching, and facility designed specifically with safety in mind. Founded in 2006, Gem City Gymnastics & Tumbling, LLC. has roots that extended back decades with a current set of coaches that have over 215 years of combined coaching experience

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Level 3 team at State

Level 3 Gymnasts Compete at State

Congratulations to our Level 3 gymnasts! They had a long weekend of competition at the Level 3 USAG Illinois State Championship. These athletes have worked so hard this season and we can’t wait to see what they do next season! We had 25 athletes compete. They are coached by Jacob Huff, Hope Huff, Kiki Backoff, and Damon Wilson.
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