It’s that time again for your favorite read of month- the Gem City newsletter!
Our competition season and classes are in full gear as we wrap up 2017.
Along with the crisp temperatures, our November newsletter is here.
Welcome to Fall at Gem City—new cartwheels are being perfected, our Halloween Pizza Fun Night is on October 27, and the first meet of the competition season is just a few short weeks.
Welcome Back!
We want to welcome all new and returning athletes to the fall session! We’re ready to help even more people learn new skills, master old ones, and start the competition season.
The school year will be beginning soon and we’re ready! The fall is always a fun time for Gem City as we gear up for competition and new athletes in our classes. We’ll be taking a quick break and will be closed from August 9-20, but you can still call during this time-217.224.849.
Gem City is winning at summer→ USTA Nationals and another Good Grades winner!
It’s the first full week of summer classes. This always makes us feel 😎.
We had some great success last month during State Tumbling and Level 7 Regionals! It’s got us pretty jazzed to plan for summer fun and learning new skills.