We are currently closed for break, but we are in and out of the office and ready to get fall classes started! We’ll be checking voicemails daily, so feel free to call us at 217.224.8491 to register for classes. Please leave us a message, and we’ll get in touch. Find Gem City’s class schedule here.
The fall schedule is out! Register early to ensure the best chance of getting your preferred class time.
Summer classes are going great! We’re getting really excited for our next skills and cheer clinics.
It’s hard to believe summer is already here! Check out our summer classes, if you still need to register.
There are so many reasons to consider the summer session at Gem City, including smaller class sizes and a shorter commitment. Here are 10 more reasons to try summer classes. As always, you can find our classes here and registration is happening now! Sign up either in person or over the phone.
It doesn’t feel like spring quite yet, but the spring 2022 session is rolling!
Welcome to our spring 2022 session! We hope everyone had a great holiday break. We are ready to get back into the swing of things here at the gym.
It’s hard to believe that 2021 is wrapping up! But we still have a few quick reminders for you before we all welcome in 2022.