Site icon Gem City Gymnastics & Tumbling, LLC.

March 2025 Newsletter

We’re halfway through our spring session, and what an incredible group of talented kids we have! We’re all hoping for warmer and sunnier weather, but the energy in our gym has been awesome and bright.

Here are a few important things to note this month:

After recent snow days, we want to ensure you don’t miss out on your child’s gymnastics training:

Spring tuition was due in full on March 1. As per our payment policy:

Exciting times ahead for our gymnastics team!

Stick the Landing,
Katie Cernea

P.S. We have special spring and summer edition Gem City leotards. Orders are due by March 20, 2025. Find the order form here.

Coming Up Soon

Pizza Fun Night: Friday, March 14

Gem City’s next Pizza Fun Night is Friday, March 14 from 630-930pm, ages 5-12. $25 for members & $30 for nonmembers. Call or stop in to reserve your spot!

Happenings with All Star Cheer

Notes for the Month

Gym Open during School Spring Breaks

New Snack and Fruit Options Now Available

Prepare to nom nom nom in the Pro Shop. We now have fresh fruit and refrigerated, packaged snacks available. Come take a look!

Next Good Grades Drawing

The next Good Grades Drawing will be on April 2. Just bring in a copy of your grade card to enter to win ANYTHING in our Pro Shop for FREE!

Illness Policy

If your child did not attend school due to illness, we ask that you also refrain from attending class or practice at Gem City the same evening. We ask that athletes be fever free for 24 hours before coming to class.

Also, please have your athlete wash their hands before and after class.

Coffee + Friend + Preschool Playtime

Come and go as you please during our Preschool Playtime (PP). Several parents have told us they love using the time to meet with a friend while the kids play. PP is every Wednesday morning 9:30-11:30am, ages six and under, only $9 per child.

Upcoming Events

Daytime Open Gym: Monday, March 17

Gem City’s next Daytime Open Gym is Monday, March 17 from 12-2pm, ages 4-12. $18 for members & $21 for nonmembers. Call or stop in to reserve your spot!

Last Stunt Night of Session: Sunday, March 9

Any athlete under the age of 18 needs to bring this waiver with them signed by their parent/guardian in order to attend

Upcoming Events

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