We’re in the last week of spring session classes with the last day of classes being THIS Saturday, May 11! If you haven’t yet reserved your spot for the summer session, then give us a call THIS week to secure your spot.
Here are three end of session reminders:
- We will be closed May 12-28 for classes, but we will be returning calls during this time, so leave us a message!
- Preschool Playtime will NOT be taking place over break (May 15 & May 22), but will resume on Wednesday, May 29, when the summer session starts!
Hope you stick your landing!
Katie Cernea
🔜 Next Event
Open Gym: Wednesday, June 26

Our next Open Gym is on Wednesday, June 26 from 12:00 to 2:00 pm, and you must pre-register by Tuesday, June 25. Ages 5-12. Members $18, nonmembers $21.
Other Upcoming Events
Our next Pizza Fun Night will be on July 19 from 630-930! The deadline for sign up will be Thursday, July 18.
😎 Notes for May
There is NO Preschool Playtime on May 15 & 22
Please note that we will not hold Preschool Playtime on May 15 and 22.
Help Us Be Good Neighbors
Rinella, the business across the street from Gem City, has asked to pass along to our families to not park in front of their driveway or on their side of the street.
Parking is allowed on Jennifer Lane on the east side only. Also, please do not use their parking lot as a drive-through when dropping off your kids. They have delivery trucks needing to access their lot after hours and cannot do so when there are cars in the lot. Please only use our parking lot, the east side of Jennifer Lane, or the city parking lot to the north of our building.
💪 Big Results for Gem City Athletes
⚠️ Pricing Updates
Preschool Playtime
For all of our Preschool Playtime attendees. You may have noticed the flyer at the sign-in table on Wednesday mornings, but we thought we’d share here as well. Our admission price for PP will be increasing to $9 per child starting summer session, Wednesday, May 29.
Private Lessons
Starting summer session, May 29, private lessons will increasing in price. $35 for 30 minutes, $45 for 45 minutes, and $60 for an hour.
🖍️ Keep Hitting Those Books
Our fourth and final Good Grades Drawing of the school year will be June 19. Call or stop in the office with your report card to enter!! Read about the third quarter winner below.
☀️ Happening This Summer
See You at JDUB Academy!
We hope to see you in our structured tumbling & cheer class for grades 4-6 at John Wood Community College’s JDUB Academy! Check their summer course catalog! We’re excited to have GCGT at JWCC for this fun program!
New Parking Lot Coming Soon
We are excited for a new parking lot! With that being said, we will have a small disruption in our schedule – kinda. The gym is on break from May 12-28. However, our contractors will be hard at work May 15-28 demolishing and remaking our parking lot. This will NOT disrupt any gym classes AT ALL! BUT….we have LOTS of field trips and parties that book in May that we would LOVE to get on our schedule earlier this year. Please help us get the word out. Give us a call ASAP to get an available slot at the end of April or the beginning of May. We will have NO events beginning Wednesday, May 15, including Preschool Playtime.