Skills Clinics Announced for Spring
Gem City is offering a series of skills clinics this spring. Each clinic is a one-hour opportunity focusing on a particular technique or skill. This is a focused opportunity to attain or master skills.
Clinics allow athletes to speed up the learning of new drills, improve technique, and focus on their progress of a specific skill.
This series of clinics is open to only to Gem City members already enrolled in one of our classes, teams, or in a private lesson. Athletes must be age 6 or older.
Register soon by calling us at 217.224.8491 or stopping in our office! Limited space is available. Each clinic is $20.
Clinic Dates
Basic Skills
(cartwheels, roundoffs, handstands)
Friday, March 23, 6:30-7:30
Register and pay by Thursday, March 15
Friday, March 23, 7:45-8:45
Register and pay by Thursday, March 15
Saturday, April 7, 6:30-7:30
Register and pay by Thursday, March 29
Back Handsprings
Saturday, April 7, 7:45-8:45
Register and pay by Thursday, March 29