A reflection on ten years! #GCGT10
I started working at Quincy Gymnastics in 2003. Little did I know a part-time job while in high school would lead to owning a business, getting married, and end up being part of a “gym” family!
I have enjoyed the past ten years as co-owner, coworker, coach, secretary, substitute coach, friend, boss, “chief”, trash picker-upper, accountant, and whatever other hat I might wear on a weekly basis!
When my husband, Zeke Cernea, and I took on this big thing ten years ago with our best friend, Jacob Huff, we did realize how big it actually was. Looking back, I don’t know what we were thinking at such a young age! However, those first few years we worked hard! We are proud to “go to gym” each day. We say “gym” and not “work” because it is an extension of ourselves and not “work” in the traditional sense. We do not know an adult life without this place.
Thank you to the many coaches we’ve had over the past ten years! We could not have gotten Quincy back into the groove of gymnastics and tumbling without your help!
Thank you to all of those athletes that have graced the doors of Quincy Gymnastics Center, Inc. and now Gem City Gymnastics & Tumbling, LLC! We hope you are able or one day will look back at your time with Gem City with as fond of memories as we do!
We will continue to strive to bring the best, most fun, most energetic, and most fulfillment as we can as a gym!
Randy Parrish, thank you for the part-time job all that time ago. And thank you for being there for the three of us before, during, and after the transition. You have always been more than just a friend.
This gym has been so much more than our job, or our source of livelihood. The photos below are from my 18th birthday party (we had an all night lock-in) and then AGAIN ten years later for my 28th birthday party! This place has defined the last 13 years of my life. I am so grateful.
Can’t wait to see where we are in another ten.
Please join us in sharing your memories of Gem City Gymnastics & Tumbling! Just tag your social media post with #GCGT10. Find more information about it here.